100+ Maryland businesses receive assistance for global expansion

07/29/2024| Amanda Winters

100+ Maryland businesses receive assistance for global expansion

07/29/2024 | Amanda Winters

More than 100 small and mid-sized Maryland companies have received ExportMD grants over the past year.

The grants, announced by the Maryland Department of Commerce, were awarded from July 2023 to July 2024 to help businesses finance the costs of marketing internationally including trade show fees and travel expenses.

From Washington to Wicomico counties, Maryland businesses utilized the state program in a variety of ways, including organizing sales trips to foreign countries and optimizing company websites to improve customer traffic.

“The ExportMD grant program provides an excellent opportunity for businesses to succeed in our state and around the world—and ultimately bring more growth to Maryland’s economy,” said Maryland Commerce Secretary Kevin Anderson. “With help from the U.S. SBA, we’re proud to have supported more than 100 local businesses over the year with their global expansion efforts.”

Read the full list of recipients

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