5 ways to focus on workforce development in 2020
12/17/2019| Julie Miller
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5 ways to focus on workforce development in 2020
12/17/2019 | Julie Miller
Do you have your 2020 business goals set? Whether you want to attract better talent or improve workplace safety, here are five ways to tap into Maryland programs to help your business thrive in the new year and beyond.
Get connected to the right candidates
The Maryland Workforce Exchange is an online portal that helps employers connect with new employees. The portal provides a platform to post jobs, and search for and connect with candidates directly.
Tap into programs that help you train your employees
Maryland Business Works is an incumbent worker training program. Through the program, Maryland’s Department of Labor provides training funds to businesses serious about employee productivity, upgrading the skills of current employees, and creating opportunities for expanding existing workforce.
Ensure you’re protecting your workers
There’s nothing more important than protecting your workers. Make sure you are following all laws and keeping your staff healthy and safe in 2020. Brush up on resources on the Department of Labor’s website, including those on minimum wage and overtime and occupational safety and health resources.
Sponsor an apprentice
Hiring an apprentice is a great way to build your workforce and reduce turnover costs. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, 91 percent of apprentices remain on the job after one year of employment. Consider becoming an apprenticeship sponsor through the Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Program.
Hire an intern
Want your organization to engage with top technology talent coming out of Maryland colleges and universities? The Maryland Technology Internship Program can help you cover the cost of hiring an intern. The program, administered by UMBC, reimburses employers for up to 50 percent of an intern’s wage, up to $3,000 annually per intern.
Explore more resources for workforce development on the Workforce Expressway page on the Maryland Business Express.
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