Built from the ground up, Baltimore recruiting firm reflects on 10-year milestone

08/21/2023| Samantha Foley

Built from the ground up, Baltimore recruiting firm reflects on 10-year milestone

08/21/2023 | Samantha Foley

While the human resource industry may seem like a standard practice, Baltimore-based Chesapeake Search Partners  (CSP) has managed to put an innovative spin on the recruitment industry that comes along with a very intriguing back story.

More than a decade ago, founders Rick, John, and Johnny found themselves at a crossroads while working as recruiters in an entrepreneurial firm. During the economic recession, the firm they worked for was forced to merge with another, completely changing the overall corporate environment. The sudden shift prompted the guys to consider a possible career change. Rick, John and Johnny felt that together, they could create a recruiting experience that was more aligned with their own values and goals.

“We sat down and evaluated our own perceptions of the recruiting industry and quickly realized that we respected the same processes and values,” said Rick Fribush, partner and practice director at Chesapeake Search Partners. “This revelation inspired us to set to work on starting our own recruiting firm. Thus, in 2013 CSP was born.”

However, entering into a highly competitive industry while coming out of an economic recession wasn’t without its challenges. Rick, John, and Johnny had to find a way to set themselves apart from the competition. With a ton of work ahead of them, the team stuck to a core foundational mission while researching why people’s experiences with recruiters are often unfulfilling. Their research findings led the team to establish unique foundational values for CSP in an even more unique office space.

“We bootstrapped CSP starting in Johnny’s parent’s garage, and, as a new company, we knew we had our work cut out for us. We developed core practice areas that would be a solid foundation for our growth. Oh, and we called everyone we knew!” Fribush said. “My partners and I are all Baltimore natives. We grew up here, launched our careers, and established our families here. Building a business in your ‘backyard’ is exciting and, in our case, very helpful.”

Although CSP has moved far past its “backyard” small business days, the company still wants its clients to enjoy its personalized process by honoring its core principles of empathy, commitment, transparency, and responsiveness. The networking partnerships created early on in the business’ inception have established a relationship-driven culture at CSP. According to Rick, John, and Johnny, there is always a connection to be made and a way to connect the dots, which is vital in the recruitment industry.

“People don’t often talk about innovation in professional search and recruiting. However, we are doing our best to innovate, evolve and grow while staying true to our values. We would never force positions or people to take jobs that don’t make sense for them,” said Fribush.

With the office garage space far behind them, a new expansion to their Towson office, and newly improved search services; Rick, John, and Johnny of CSP plan to stay on a sure path for the next decade while diversifying recruitment practices and adding new growth opportunities.

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