C-Suite Insights with Nicole Hewitt, co-founder of HWK Law Group

07/02/2024| Julie Miller

C-Suite Insights with Nicole Hewitt, co-founder of HWK Law Group

07/02/2024 | Julie Miller

From estate planning to title transactions, Nicole Hewitt practices a variety of legal services in Maryland. As co-founder of HWK Law Group, LLC , she has helped grow the firm to three locations on the East Coast while raising a family in beautiful Baltimore County.

In this C-Suite Insights, we learn more about Nicole’s specialties, as well as how HWK Law’s talented workforce has allowed the company to blossom.

Please tell us a little bit about yourself and your company.
I practice estate planning and estate administration, elder law, special need planning, business planning, and title and real estate transactions. I represent individuals, business owners, young families, individuals reaching retirement, and the elderly with planning to meet their estate, tax and medical assistance planning goals. In addition, I work with individuals and families with special needs, including trusts and adult guardianships.

Prior to co-founding HWK Law Group, I was a senior tax associate with two Big 5 accounting firms; an associate with a large prominent Baltimore law firm; served as both General Counsel and Executive Director to a national mortgage lender/broker; and was co-owner of an affiliated multi-state title company.

Where in Maryland do you live?
Lutherville (Baltimore County) with my husband and three children.

Where in Maryland is your office located?
HWK Law Group is headquartered in Lutherville, Maryland with services extending into Florida.

What is your favorite activity to do/place to visit in Maryland with your family/friends?
I enjoy playing tennis and pickleball, traveling, skiing, and spending time with my family and friends.

What do you enjoy the most about your job/industry?
Sorting through your own or a family member’s estate – or making sure an aging relative or a loved one with a disability are protected – can indeed feel overwhelming, especially if that sorting occurs during a time of grief. Being a trusted resource to people so they do not have to navigate the process alone, and helping someone who feels lost find relief and reassurance that their needs can be met, is a profoundly rewarding experience.

What has your experience been like with Maryland’s workforce?
I am proud to say that we employ a talented group of people from 26 different cities and towns across Maryland! The expertise, dedication, and diversity of our team here is what sets us apart. Everyone’s collaborative nature has set the tone for the way we have served our clients for the past 17 years and will continue to set the tone for years to come.

Along with my two partners, I am the co-owner of two companies that operate in the same office, which requires a lot of balance and making sure the right people are in the right spots. Because I believe Maryland has a large pool of talented and educated professionals, we have enjoyed ongoing success in our staffing efforts and truly believe that this team is the secret behind our exceptional client service.

What makes Maryland a great state to live in?
From boating and fishing on the Chesapeake Bay and taking in the coastal views in Ocean City, to hiking and camping in the mountains, Maryland really does offer some great sights and activities that I’m able to enjoy with my family and friends.

Technology has changed a lot in the last decade. How is your business keeping up and preparing for the future?
When it comes to technology, staying ahead is important to us. Many law firms are still utilizing outdated technology, whereas we are 100% cloud-based for document management and other systems, making it possible for us to serve our clients anywhere! We invest a lot in technology and using a good IT provider is key.

What’s the best piece of life advice you’ve ever received?
Always be honest and stay positive. Surround yourself with people who radiate positivity and rid those who attempt to bring you down.

What's your favorite thing to eat or drink with Old Bay?
Crabs, of course!

Maryland’s 12,400 square-miles are full of diverse professionals who span a variety of industries, sectors, and backgrounds. With our C-Suite Insights series, we’re shining the spotlight on some of our state’s leading executives in Q&A format and giving them a chance to share their thoughts on business and life in Maryland.

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