Nearly 2,000 jobs expected through More Jobs for Marylanders
08/13/2018| Daniel Leaderman
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Nearly 2,000 jobs expected through More Jobs for Marylanders
08/13/2018 | Daniel Leaderman
In just over one year since the launch of the More Jobs for Marylanders program, 124 companies have indicated that they plan to either locate in Maryland or expand within the state to benefit from the program.
Of those companies, which include firms both from Maryland and other states, 49 have filed official enrollment applications, and are projecting to create nearly 2,000 jobs in total. Also, the program has been expanded to include five additional counties where manufacturers creating new jobs will receive the highest benefits.
More Jobs for Marylanders incentivizes manufacturers to create new jobs in the state. New manufacturers that locate in targeted jurisdictions and create at least five new jobs may qualify for income tax credits based on the number of jobs created, a state property tax credit, sales and use tax refund for specific purchases, and State Department of Assessment and Taxation fee waiver. Existing manufacturers that meet job creation criteria throughout the state may also qualify for the income tax credit.
Legislation adopted in the 2018 session of the Maryland General Assembly altered the qualification criteria and expanded the roster of targeted jurisdictions, known as “Tier 1 counties.” That list now includes Baltimore City and Allegany, Caroline, Dorchester, Garrett, Kent, Somerset, Wicomico, Washington, and Worcester counties. Three additional jurisdictions—Baltimore County, Prince George’s County and, as of this month, Cecil County—have also been designated as “Tier 1 counties” at the discretion of the Secretary of Commerce.
Companies applying to the program range from manufacturers of metal, food, adhesives, wood, and other products, and represent the potential for hundreds of new jobs, particularly in areas of the state where unemployment is high. Recent More Jobs for Marylanders applicants include Tennessee-based Ring Container Technologies, a manufacturer of plastic containers than plans to create 19 jobs at a new manufacturing and warehousing facility, and California-based Fabricated Extrusion Company, which plans to create 50 jobs at a new headquarters and manufacturing facility over the next four years. Both companies are establishing their new facilities in the Hagerstown area.
To submit an application or obtain additional information, visit
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