Federal funding for smart manufacturing efforts in Maryland

06/21/2024| Samantha Foley

Federal funding for smart manufacturing efforts in Maryland

06/21/2024 | Samantha Foley

The state of Maryland has received funding from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chains aimed at spurring the adoption of smart manufacturing technology.

The $1 million grant was issued as part of the larger State Manufacturing Leadership Program , a federal initiative that has issued awards to 12 state-run programs throughout the U.S. to date. Smart Manufacturing emphasizes the importance of new and evolving technologies within the manufacturing industry.

Awarded to the Maryland Department of Commerce, the agency will use the funds in three different areas: technology readiness assessments for manufacturers, technical assistance for Industry 4.0 technology implementation, and general expansion of the existing Maryland Manufacturing 4.0 program.

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