New study analyzes Maryland’s supply chain and logistics system

08/12/2024| Amanda Winters

New study analyzes Maryland’s supply chain and logistics system

08/12/2024 | Amanda Winters

A new study shows that there are several strengths and opportunities surrounding Maryland’s supply chain and logistics systems.

Prepared by the Regional Economic Studies Institute (RESI) of Towson University , the study explains that Maryland has strengths in high-tech job opportunities in the manufacturing, transportation, and warehousing industries; significant proximity to major transportation routes; above average wages for the manufacturing industry; and beneficial workforce development programs.

When looking at opportunities for the state, RESI determined Maryland’s diversity and inclusion initiatives for workforce expansion; adoption of technological and automated systems for logistics; ongoing infrastructure projects (like Baltimore’s Howard Street Tunnel); and access to federal funding opportunities can provide additional support to the growing supply chain system.

RESI also reviewed supply chain data within Maryland’s manufacturing, transportation, and warehousing industries; assessed 15 key industries in the state; interviewed companies engaged with the supply chain; and analyzed the weaknesses and threats posed by the supply chain system.

The study was commissioned by the Maryland Department of Commerce and supported by American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding from the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) .

“RESI’s analysis highlights some of the incredible strengths and assets in Maryland’s manufacturing, transportation and warehousing sectors,” said Maryland Commerce Secretary Kevin Anderson. “It also underscores critical opportunities and challenges we can address including promoting career pathways in these industries. Students, particularly those who may choose not to go to college, need to be more aware of the educational and career opportunities that can be found across our supply-chain and logistics systems.”

Read the full report

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