Somerset County receives funding to expand broadband access

07/29/2024| Amanda Winters

Somerset County receives funding to expand broadband access

07/29/2024 | Amanda Winters

In an effort to continue bringing equity and opportunity across Maryland, the state has awarded a nearly $2 million grant to expand high-speed internet access to Smith Island .

Administered by the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development’s Office of Statewide Broadband , the funding will support internet access for more than 200 businesses and households in Somerset County. Up to 90 percent of the grant can be used for capital construction costs; the project will be constructed by the county, Smith Island United, and Verizon.

Investments in the Eastern Shore's infrastructure will boost economic development in Somerset County, providing more internet reliability for businesses and households alike. Those in Smith Island will experience connectivity that many residents in major metropolitan areas take for granted—enhancing everything from education to healthcare services to security systems.

“This broadband initiative, in partnership with the state and county, is truly a showcase in fostering potential economic growth and regional accessibility for local businesses on Smith Island,” said Danny Thompson, executive director of Somerset County Economic Development . “With remote work being more prominent, it will be much easier for businesses to conduct online sales, training through webinars, etc., which will provide additional revenue streams. As Governor Wes Moore would say, ‘no one left behind.’”

When discussing the broadband project, Maryland Housing Secretary Jake Day highlighted the state’s goal of having high-speed internet accessible for every resident by 2030.

“To close Maryland’s digital divide and open pathways to opportunity, all Maryland households and businesses must have access to broadband internet, no matter how remote the location,” said Secretary Day.

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